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Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Poem on "I am, therefore you are"

I am, therefore you are!

I was deeply engrossed in thought and contemplation, Somebody pinched my thought and awakened my dream, Where I was seeking to understand the cause of my existence, And who put this the world into existence? Could I call Him a great magician?Nethi(Not this), nethi, how could I call then?

I moved forward through the rustling of the branches, Where I saw the romantic figures, Adam and EveI asked them who the cause of your existence is, Who/what he is, they replied, not and laughed at me, And gave me half of the apple and left the garden, After eating the Apple I said to myself nethi, nethi how could I call then?

With the help of Armstrong, I stepped down on the moon, Where I zoomed eyesight and saw the earth, Carpeted with green grass floating in the water, As a secret of heaven revealed to the earth, I was dumbfounded and said to myself He must be great architecture, Nethi, nethi, how could I call then?

 Every time when I asked a question I returned disappointed, Without understanding disappointment, I suffered without reason for my suffering, At one point I doubted my existence, I pinched myself oh! Yes, I exist, therefore I doubt, Immediately my soul peeped out of my body and smiled at me.

My doubts sailed and broke the dream of my window, And showered me with many questions, Suddenly a voice called and asked me what are you looking at? I asked Him, Are you, God? “Who is the cause of my existence?”He replied yes, “I am, therefore you are!”“I exist therefore you exist” and disappeared.

Once again, I heard the voice of the bell, This called me to get up, get up, When I got up and saw the watch, it was at 5:30 AM, And looked at my face in the mirror which was so graceful, After some time I said to myself, Nethi, nethi, how could I call this? 


  1. Excellent!!! What is the meaning of nethi?

  2. Nethi is a sanskrit word, means "not this" taken from Shankara Philosophy. Refer Shankara Philosophy books.

  3. What a way to express gods existence. Good job Mr Selva.


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